Letter: Money doesn’t grow on trees


To the editor,

In today’s (Oct. 27) Republican-American newspaper there is an article titled, “School board answers budget critics.”

To the school board, read my lips, money doesn’t grow on trees. But you people spend, spend and spend more like it does. You take it for granted and you’ve been doing this for years. This article is a joke and an insult to the good and decent hard-working people of Naugatuck.

It’s common sense that when you reduce a budget something has to go or be sacrificed. Sorry but that’s the real life here on Earth whether it’s doing layoffs or not having material items or not providing some services. Let’s get real.

My wife and I do not live the same way when we were both employed full time. We are retired and very money-responsible. We are thankful for what we have food, clothing, shelter, the basic necessities of life and God and family.

This article to me just states the Board of Education’s very stubborn attitude on real-life-money budget cuts and very spoiled on having it’s own way for years without the peoples’ resistance. Bottom line, you’re just telling us you’re not going to cut anymore. That’s what this article really says to us, the citizens of Naugatuck. $391,206 in cuts is far too low, and as far as I am concerned, it is a humiliation directed at us citizens of this town. To whomever the board member that said pertaining to the “curriculum is the blueprint for teaching and learning” and that not having one is like constructing a building without an architect. Not true, you can construct a building with just tradesman, no architect needed. I have done it.

Lastly we all want the best for our kids, but in today’s world kids are very spoiled and not disciplined especially in commonsense money budgeting. Less than 40 percent of all our schools today doesn’t teach the basic necessities of life on how to handle money budgeting and it shows up later in years like in this type of an article on education boards handling/demanding spending more when people cannot afford it. This article tells it all. The Board of Education budget, as well as, in the municipal budget, with the backing of the current administration, does have a habitual and compulsive money problem, addicted to spending and making us citizens unhealthy.

Teachers can teach and administrators can manage with discipline and definitely without spoilage not to impair the value or quality of human life.

More cuts are needed in the range of 3 to 4 percent in its entirety on the citizens’ budgets, and the unions need to be taught to not over indulge in the citizens’ budgets

A third referendum is needed most definitely to cut the budgets more so, especially when federal mandates are due on the upgrade of the treatment facility, for which, when approved by ballot, will put us back again with the definite increase in high taxes in 2015 — documented.

Emidio C. Cerasale
